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A. PROMT FOR YOUR ORGANIZATIONS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES EXPLORATION: "Given our mission of [company's mission], our vision of [company's vision], and our core values of [company's values], we are now looking to define our strategic objectives. These objectives should serve as a set of interdependent, broad, and high-level quantifiable indicators of our progress toward our vision. As per the StratExec model, strategic objectives are crucial for maintaining a shared understanding of our progress in our competitive journey and for evaluating the effectiveness of our strategies. Could you please generate 4 to 10 strategic objectives, with short operational definitions of each of them, that align with our mission, vision, and values, and that will provide clear and measurable indicators of our progress?"​
B. PROMT FOR YOUR ORGANIZATIONS STRATEGIC PROJECTS EXPLORATION: “With the following strategic objectives in place [enter your strategic objectives OR MAJOR ASPIRATIONS OF YOUR BUSINESS PLAN with their operational definitions here], we now focus on formulating strategic focus areas and identifying strategic projects that will drive progress toward the organization's vision [enter vision here]. The StratExec model emphasizes the significance of focusing on a few high-impact projects, stating, 'The recommendation here is VERY FEW HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROJECTS THAT WE CAN HAVE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 12 to 18 months.' Please generate 15 to 20 strategic projects, each with a brief description or objective, that could have a major impact on the strategic objectives. Organize these projects under 3 to 5 strategic focus areas.”
C. PROMT FOR YOUR ORGANIZATIONS STRATEGIC PROJECTS DELIVERABLES EXPLORATION. This prompt allows the user to either use previously generated strategic focus areas and projects or provide new ones, depending on their needs: “With the following strategic objectives in place [enter your strategic objectives with their operational definitions here], we now focus on defining major deliverables for each project. If you have previously generated strategic focus areas and projects with me, you can choose to use those or provide new ones. If you choose to use the previous ones, please confirm, otherwise, please enter here your strategic focus areas with projects and descriptions under each one of them. These deliverables should serve as operationally defined, binary milestones within a 12-18 months framework, making it easy to determine whether they have been completed or not. As per the StratExec model, the recommendation is to focus on VERY FEW HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROJECTS THAT WE CAN HAVE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 12 to 18 months. Please generate 4-6 major deliverables for each project, each with a brief description or objective, and recommend a month (from 1 to 18) when each deliverable should be due, considering the need to balance the workload for each strategic focus area.”​
MATERIALS have been published under COPYRIGHT by Eduardo M. Arroyo.
All rights reserved.​
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